"I was a hidden treasure, so I created a creation because I love to be known."...

author unknown

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Is More Taxation The Only way?

Raising taxes by such a small margin on sugary drinks is not going to curb obesity in the nation. It may just make a tiny bit of a difference to those who are financially disadvantaged. The saying "Mind over Matter" would better serve the reasoning behind taxing sugary drinks as well as junk food. Sometimes people just hate the thought of giving more money to the Government, as a result this may force them to fore-go luxuries in place of necessities.

My only argument with the writer is that we already know what did not happen with the cigarette taxes in the past, but my optimism tells me something better is going to happen this time. The government should leave each state to decide how they wish to collect the taxes, as well as how they wish to use the tax surcharge. There should be programs already lined up for this type of tax. Seeing results would also help convince organizations like the American Beverage Association who say that "a lot of people do not want taxes on their sodas".

Even though we know that this taxation will not curb obesity, but since it may just affect a small number of people, it is a great fund raising idea. Whilst we are at it, we might as well make it more meaningful by making the taxation steeper.

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